Research in the Swarts lab focusses on the functional, structural, and mechanistic characterization of protein complexes that control prokaryotic immunity

Research highlights

January 15, 2024

Structures and mechanisms of SPARTA immune complexes published in Nucleic Acids Research!

Together with our collaborators Giada Finocchio and Martin Jinek, Bel, Ana, Clint and, Adrie resolved the structure and mechanisms underlying guide/target binding-mediated catalytic activation of SPARTA.

Read the (open access) article here.

April 28, 2022

The inaugural paper of the Swarts lab has been published in Cell!

In this paper, Bel and Ana (together with our collaborators) resolved the function and mechanisms of SPARTA systems (Short Prokaryotic Argonaute TIR-APAZ), and like the Spartans, it protects against invaders!

Read the press release here and find the (open access) article here.

The Swarts lab is embedded in the Laboratory of Biochemistry
at Wageningen University.

Group photo

Structure gallery
